Hello! On Sept 15 (Wednesday), voting will begin to elect the next APA President-Elect and APA Board of Directors Members

Your Vote Matters!

To contribute to the voting process, Division 52 posed a set of three questions relevant to international psychology. See the candidates’ profiles and answers below:

What role, if any, is there for psychology outside of the U.S. in the activities and mission of APA?

What projects and plans are in your campaign platform to further the globalization of psychology, particularly in relation to the governance, structure, and policies of APA, and its Directorates and Divisions?

What are your thoughts about supporting the establishment of a new elected APA Board position for an APA Member or APA Affiliate living outside of North America and not a U.S. citizen?

Candidates for
President Elect

5 candidates, 5 replied

Beth N. Rom-Rymer, PhD
(Member of Division 52)
Campaign website: https://drbeth4apapresident.com

Mary Ann McCabe, PhD
(Not Member of Division 52)
Campaign website: www.maryann4apa.com

Thema S. Bryant-Davis, PhD
(Member of Division 52)
Campaign website: https://thema4apa.com/

Diana L. Prescott, PhD
(Member of Division 52)
Campaign website: https://www.diana4apa.com/

Kirk J. Schneider, PhD
(Member of Division 52)
Campaign website: https://kirkjschneider.com

Candidates for Board of Directors, Slate 1

3 candidates, one replied

John R. Fraser, PhD
(Not Member of Division 52)
Campaign website: no website

Candidates for Board of Directors, Slate 2

3 candidates, 2 replied

Debra M. Kawahara, PhD
(Not Member of Division 52)
Campaign website: no website

Nancy M. Sidun, PsyD, ABPP, ATR
(Member of Division 52)
Campaign website: www.NancySidun.org

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