Become a Division 52 Fellow
Dear Colleagues:
We invite you to nominate yourselves or your colleagues to become a Division 52 Fellow. Election as a fellow of Division 52 is for current members who have made an unusual and outstanding contribution to international psychology. It is important that nominees submit evidence of their unusual and outstanding contribution to international psychology in their CV and personal statement. Applicants do not need to meet all the criteria listed for a Fellow status in the division, but should highlight the criteria that are relevant to their outstanding and unusual contribution to international psychology
A list of current Fellows of Division 52 can be found at
Deadline for All Fellow Applications:
Deadline for all Fellow Applications for review in 2025 is 11:59pm EST, November 30, 2025.
Criteria for APA Division 52 International Fellows
Initial Fellow of APA through Division 52:
Initial Fellow application must include
- Nominee’s current CV
- A letter of interest (Maximum 500 words) explaining how the nominee meets the criteria for Fellow status as outlined by Division 52
- Letters of endorsement of the nominee from two current APA Fellows. At least two of the three endorsers must be Fellows of Division 52. But please note: Endorsers may not be elected Division Board members and may not be members of the Fellows Committee.
- APA Application to initial fellow through APA application portal at:
***Before submitting the above, applicants for Initial Fellow are strongly encouraged to contact the Fellows Chair (Neal Rubin: first to discuss the applicant’s eligibility for Fellow status.***
All application material will be carefully reviewed by Division 52 Fellows Committee and voted on by the Division Executive Board in January. If the applicant is considered a good candidate for a Fellow status within Division 52, the application material will be forwarded to the APA Fellows Committee with an additional endorsement from the Division 52 Fellows Chair supporting the nomination.
Current Fellows of APA:
APA members who have already become Fellows through other APA divisions may apply for Division 52 Fellow status.
Current APA Fellows’ application must include:
- Nominee’s current CV
- Letter of interest (Maximum 500 words) explaining how the nominee meets the criteria for Fellow status as outlined by Division 52
- Applications should be emailed to Neal Rubin the Div. 52 Fellows Committee Chair, at
All application material will be carefully reviewed by Division 52 Fellows Committee and voted on by the Division Executive Board in January.
Questions should be addressed to the Fellows Committee Chair, Neal Rubin:
Fellows Committee