The Division 52 Nominations and Elections Committee solicits nominations for elected positions on the Division 52 Board of Directors. Nominations are accepted from Division Members, Professional Affiliate Members and Student Members.
Nominations deadline February 1, 2025
Open Positions for 2025 Elections (term 2026-2028)
All elected positions officially will begin 1 January 2026. In the time between election results and the end of the year, elected persons will serve in a “designee” role to allow a smooth transition into their elected position, with full support from current officers.
President-Elect of Division 52
The President-Elect serves one year as President-Elect, one year as President, and one year as immediate Past President. The duties of the President-Elect are to work collaboratively with the “Presidential Trio” (past-current-elect) to provide continuity in the implementation of the Division 52 strategic plan. The President-Elect also participates actively in Division committees on awards and nominations as well as the Board, and selects convention program chairs for their presidential year. In the Presidential year, the President serves as executive leader of the Divison. In the Past-President year, the Past-President serves as chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee, and chair of the Award Subcommittee for the Outstanding International Psychologist Award.
The Division 52 Secretary is elected to serve a three-year term. Duties include maintaining comprehensive records of Division proceedings (e.g. minutes), rosters, records, timelines and materials; issuing calls for meetings and meeting materials, and collating meeting agendas and materials.
Vice President for Initiatives
The Vice President for Initiatives serves a term of 3 years. The duties of the VP for Initiatives are to facilitate and support activities, collaborations, partnerships, programs, and projects that are designed to further the mission, vision, and values of the Division, within the Division, within APA, and external to APA. Committees in the Initiatives grouping include the Advocacy Committee; International Environmental Justice Committee; International Committee for Women; Immigration Special Interest Group, Science Committee for International and Cross-cultural Research; Webinar Committee; Liaison Committees.
Vice President of Communication
The Vice President of Communication serves a term of 3 years. The VP for communications facilitates and supports all communication and publication activities of the Division; Chairs the Publications and Communications Committee which includes the Journal Editor, Newsletter Editor, Social Media editor, Webmaster; Meets with editors/coordinators, coordinates new plans and how communication takes place, aids in the development of areas of communication within the committee; Serves on any committee tasked with selecting journal, newsletter or web editors; Serves on any committee tasked with negotiating journal publisher contracts; Serves as the point person with publishers (for journal).
Position Responsibilities
In addition to meeting responsibilities that are under the purview of their specific position, all elected officers are expected to attend quarterly Division 52 board meetings, including the Mid-Winter meeting in January or February in person, the Executive Committee (EC) meetings in August at the APA Convention in person, and other regularly scheduled electronic meetings.
Nomination Guidelines and Procedures
Thank you!
Past President, Division 52
2025 Nominations and Elections Committee
Chair, Pina Marsico