Title: Global mental health agenda 2023-2025: Roadmap actions from the GPA International Summit

Description: This presentation introduced the APA Global Psychology Alliance’s (GPA) road map from the International Summit on Psychology and Global Health held in Bogota, Columbia, 2022. At this summit, Alliance members discussed and affirmed their commitment to addressing UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing), 10 (Reduced Inequality), and 13 (Climate Action).

In order to provide a framework that captures steps towards the SDG 3 by 2030, four key action items to propel the agenda for good health and well-being, with specific focus on mental health, were identified. The Global Mental Health (GMH) workgroup began to address these four action items to be executed and reviewed by 2025: 1. Advocacy for the adoption of a population health framework for mental health, 2. Coordinate GPA training for communication with government and policy makers, 3. Mental health stigma reduction and 4. Improving access to community mental health through capacity building.