Call for Editor Applications 

APA Division 52, Society for Global Psychology, is seeking applications for Editor of International Perspectives in Psychology (IPP). The term will begin January 1, 2026 and run for five years, with the possibility of re-appointment for an additional three-year term. The deadline for applications is May 31, 2025. 

International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation®, the official organ of Division 52, is committed to publishing research that examines human behavior and experiences around the globe from a psychological perspective. It publishes intervention strategies that use psychological science to improve the lives of people around the world. All papers published are subject to peer-review to internationally accepted standards by external reviewers, working under the auspices of the experienced international editorial team.

The journal promotes the use of psychological science that is contextually informed, culturally inclusive, and dedicated to serving the public interest. The world’s problems are imbedded in economic, environmental, political, and social contexts. International Perspectives in Psychology incorporates empirical findings from education, medicine, political science, public health, psychology, sociology, gender and ethnic studies, and related disciplines.

Editor Required Qualifications

  • Current academic appointment in psychology
  • In-depth and broad knowledge of the global psychology field including current methodologies, trends, and advances
  • Experience writing, editing, and reviewing scientific articles
  • Strong administrative, communication, and leadership skills
  • Demonstrated abilities to plan and coordinate journal publication and production schedules with the assistance of the journal publisher, Hogrefe Publishing
  • Membership in Division 52, maintained throughout the Editor’s term
  • Proficiency in English

Editor Preferred Qualifications

  • Mentoring experience, particularly through the submission and publication process
  • Previous experience serving as an Editorial Board Member of IPP
  • Experience with online submission and peer-review management software system, Editorial Manager


Commit time on the journal equivalent to one day per week (equivalent of 0.2 FTE)

  • Ensure timely publication of four issues per year according to the agreed upon publication schedule and deadlines with Hogrefe Publishing
  • Make final selection of all material to be published in the journal
  • Provide substantive input in the coordination of content, article development, and author invitations
  • Identify potential invited article topics, authors, and special issues for the Journal
  • Process all manuscript submissions through the Editorial Manager online submission and review system
  • Work with Division 52 and Hogrefe to promote the journal and its published articles
  • Submit a written report to the Division 52 Board twice per year (for convention and midwinter meetings) and two updates (for fall and spring online meetings)
  • Attend Board Meetings virtually and, ideally, an in-person at either the Midwinter or APA Convention meeting
  • Attend monthly meetings with the editorial team (typically the Editor, Associate Editor, and Editorial Assistant) and representatives from Hogrefe Publishing
  • Recommend to the Division 52 Board of potential successors when their term is approaching its conclusion


  • An editorial stipend in the amount of $6,000 USD in total will be provided annually to support the editor, associate editor, and an editorial office administrator. The Editor has discretion to use the stipend as he/she determines necessary
  • The editor must recruit an Associate Editor, and it is strongly recommended that the editor also have an editorial office assistant
  • The current Editor will work through 2026 to complete submissions under review before January 1, 2026 and support the new Editor as needed Please note: In 2026, the editorial stipend will be divided evenly between the newly appointed editor and the outgoing editor
  • The Editors are supported by Division 52 members who provide an important pool of reviewers
  • The Editorial Board members are requested to review at least 3 manuscripts per year
  • The journal publisher, Hogrefe Publishing, provides administrative, technical, and marketing support to the Journal. The publishing team at Hogrefe includes the publisher, production editor, and marketing manager
  • Hogrefe Publishing provides technical support for editors, authors, and reviewers using the Editorial Manager system
  • Hogrefe Publishing ensures the Journal is displayed at international conferences, the annual APA convention, and carries out several digital marketing campaigns each year

How to Apply

All applications need to be send electronically. Letters and supporting materials should be addressed to the VP of Communications of Division 52  and sent to

  • Please submit a letter that states your interest in the position, outlines your qualifications, and describes your vision for the future of the journal
  • Provide  your CV in PDF format
  • Provide names and email addresses of three references and permission to contact them

Deadline for applications is May 31, 2025