Division 52 International Environmental Justice Committee (IEJC) organizes a series of online events to discuss the problems, perspectives and solutions to contrast environmental crisis and to promote environmental justice, global healing and well-being.

Webinars are free but require registration.

Upcoming webinars

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March 14, 2025, 4PM EST (21PM CEST)

What are alternatives to an anthropocentric psychology to address climate justice?

Speakers: International Environmental Justice Collective

Host: APA Interdivisional Series on Climate Justice

During a round table, the members of the collective (psychologists, activists, and educators) from different geographical and cultural backgrounds will discuss the limitations of current psychological approaches to environmental justice and explore new possible avenues to a better understanding of the future role of humans as part of the planetary ecosystem.

Webinar Library

June 6, 2024

Critical Directions in Environmental Psychology

Speakers: Sascha Kuhn and Steffen Krenzer

Host: International Environmental Justice Committee

The German Working Group “Critical Environmental Psychology” published an edited work on the topics of emancipation, agency and critique of power. The book has a transdisciplinary approach and contains contributions from international authors (including those from the Global South) and practitioners.

In the lecture, two editors will share their findings from the process. First, on a content level: What directions can critical environmental psychology take? Second, on a process level – also in critical reflection of the composition of the editorial team: Who can, may, must further develop critical environmental psychology? These questions will then be discussed with the participants.

December 15, 2023

Transformation in light of climate change: The role of environmental psychology

Speaker: Annika Nordlund, Ph.D.

Host: International Environmental Justice Committee

The webinar taps into underlying factors affecting a sustainable transformation. More specifically how can intention for behavioral change, actual behavioral change, and acceptance of climate related policy among to the general population be strengthened with research in environmental psychology. Norm-activation, goal framing, and stepwise behavioral change are the basis from which data and results are presented and discussed. The webinar also discusses what is needed for research results to be implemented for actual behavioral change by policy makers and the role we as researchers in the field play.

Annika Nordlund is Associate Professor and Head of Department of Psychology at Umeå University in Sweden. She is also Researcher at the Transportation Research Unit (TRUM) at Umeå University and expert in the Swedish government’s official investigation, “The investigation into strengthened incentives for expanded wind power”.

September 1, 2023, 6PM UTC+1 (12PM EST)

Fostering Stronger Cross-Cultural Research: A Lesson From Patagonia

Speaker: Dora Rose Jenefsky Segall

Host: International Environmental Justice Committee

Dora Rose Jenefsky Segall is a freelance writer and photojournalist with graduate-level education in social justice reporting. She brings three years of professional experience as well as specialized knowledge in the arts, labor and marginalized identities. She will present her project “The power of sound: community radio as a tool for social-environmental activism in Argentine Patagonia”. 

March 24, 2023, 6PM UTC+1

Climate change and the psychological development of children – A global perspective

Speaker: Francis Vergunst, Ph.D.

Host: International Environmental Justice Committee

The talk will examine how climate-related stressors, which are becoming more frequent and severe, are increasingly harming the healthy psychological development of children worldwide. Global inequities in both exposure risk and outcomes will be discussed.

Francis Vergunst is Associate Professor at the Department Special Needs Education, University of Oslo, Norway. His research focuses on the development and course of child and adolescent behavioural disorders and other mental health problems. He also conducts conceptual and empirical work on how climate change is affecting the healthy psychological development of children.

October 12, 2022-Psychologies Otherwise/Earthwise

Speaker: Wade Pickren, PhD

Host: Pina Marsico

Psychologies Otherwise/Earthwise asks, “How can humans and other than human beings have lives and futures based on living in deep recognition of our mutual interdependence and the co-constitution of all on the Earth?” In this talk, I lay out the rationale for a new/old cosmology as a foundation for addressing these crises. One that is pluriversal, where many worlds are possible. In this cosmology, the register is marked by an ontology of radical relationality and a regenerative epistemology. On this foundation, Psychologies Otherwise/Earthwise works to help create a new commons characterized by reciprocity and cooperation. In this presentation, we use Psychologies Otherwise/Earthwise to examine the crises of climate change and biodiversity loss, and offer alternative paths forward as a way to regain our balance with (the) Earth.

April 22, 2022- International Psychology Celebrating the Earth Day

Panelists: Erinn Cameron, Daniela Del Bene, James Dunk, and Paul Hoggett

Discussant Pina Marsico

Celebrating the Earth Day provides the opportunity for a round table discussion about the role of international psychology in the promotion of environmental justice and planetary healing. The panelists come from different experiences and geographical areas. They are psychologists and activitists, theoricians and pratictioners. The webinar inaugurates the new International Environmental Justice Series of DIV52. The audience will be invited to interact and generate a collective reflection about the psychological well-being in relation to the healing of the ecosystem.