The Jean Lau Chin Award for Outstanding Psychologist and Graduate Student in International Leadership Contributions recognizes exceptional psychologists and graduate students who have made international leadership contributions in their field of expertise. They have served as role models and/or mentors to other psychologists and students interested in international issues.


Jean Lau Chin Award for Outstanding Psychologist in International Leadership Contributions is named in honor of Dr. Jean Lau Chin who was an early victim to COVID 19. This award is in recognition of her research on global and diverse leadership and international psychology. Dr. Lau Chin was a former President (2016-2017) of Division 52, International Psychology, a former President of Division 35, the Society for the Psychology of Women, Division 45, the Society for the Psychological Study of Culture Ethnicity and Race and served on many APA governances boards and committees. In addition, Dr. Lau Chin held numerous regional, state and community leadership positions and was on the Teaching Faculty of the Leadership Institute of Women in Psychology.  Her international leadership extended beyond APA, as she was the President of the International Council of Psychologists and the National Council of Schools of Professional Psychology. She was renowned for her leadership abilities and skills.

The award’s purpose is to recognize and encourage outstanding psychologists and psychology graduate students who exemplify international leadership in their field of expertise.

The Awards

The award recipient(s) will be recognized at the Division 52 Award Ceremony at the APA convention.

Student Award: The recipient must be a current psychology graduate student with a demonstrated interest in international or cross-cultural psychology. Current membership in Division 52 is not a requirement, but highly encouraged. The Committee will present up to one award per year.

Professional Psychologist Award: The recipient must be a psychologist with a demonstrated interest in international or cross-cultural psychology. Current membership in Division 52 is not a requirement, but highly encouraged. The Committee will present up to one award per year.

Submission Requirements and Procedure

All submissions must be made online. Submission requirements include:

  • A letter of nomination setting forth the most outstanding contribution of the candidate; or a statement of no more than 500 words indicating how the nominee meets the award criteria. Self-nominations are welcomed. If you are self-nominating, please include an additional endorsement letter.
  • 2 or 3 examples of leadership activities
  • Copy of the nominee’s CV – MAXIMUM LENGTH 10 pages

Nominations deadline is April 1


Please Contact the Awards Chair with subject line Jean Lau Chin Award

Make a Nomination

2025 Nominations Form

Past Recipients

2024: Professional: Dr. Serdar M. Değirmencioğlu; Student: Nokwanda Grava, Purdue University

2023: Professional: Dr. Oksana Yakushko, Santa Barbara, California and Dr. Ronald Rohner, University of Connecticut, USA (Emeritus); Student: Dr. Rita Rivera, Yale University

2022: Professional: Dr. Charles Super and Dr. Sara Harkness, University of Connecticut, USA; Student: Daniel Balva, MS, University of Georgia, USA

2021: Professional: Dr. Adeyinka Akinsulure-Smith; Student: Stephenia Beckman, Chicago School of Professional Psychology, USA