Each year Division 52 presents two Outstanding International Psychologist Awards: one to a psychologist from the United States and one to a psychologist outside the United States. Individuals who have made outstanding contributions to international psychology and whose work has an impact across countries and cultures are eligible.
Commitment to international psychology is evidenced by, but not limited to:

  • membership in international organizations related to psychology
  • attendance and presentations at international conferences or conferences outside the noninee’s home country/region
  • inclusion of topics related to international psychology in the nominee’s teaching and mentorship
  • involvement with international NGOs or UN-based bodies working internationally
  • engagement in research and or research publications with international colleagues related to international psychology
  • global advocacy.

Recognition of recipients occurs at the Division annual meeting at the APA Convention.

Submit Nomination Here:

2025 - Outstanding International Psychologist Nomination Form

Nominee Information

Nomination Materials

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