Division 52, International Psychology, offers International Research Awards for undergraduate and graduate students in psychology. This award has been established to encourage and recognize promising student research in international psychology.
Award recipients will receive a check for $100 and will be recognized at Division 52 meetings at the APA Annual Convention.
Nominations Process
All nominations must be made online. The nomination consists of:
- Student contact information
- Name of program, year in program (undergraduate or graduate)
- Division 52 membership status (must be a Student Affiliate member at the time of application)
- 1000 (maximum) word summary of research that describes the purpose, method, analysis, results, and discussion of your international research (excluding references and one table or figure which may be added). Please exclude all identifying information on research summary document.
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Name and contact information for faculty advisor/sponsor
- Endorsement letter from faculty member who is advising / sponsoring this research, including confirmation that research was an independent project, thesis, or dissertation effort conducted during undergaduate or graduate program; and assurance of student’s good standing in the undergraduate or graduate program.
Nominations are due April 1
Questions? Contact D52 Awards Chair with the subject line International Student Award
Make a Nomination
Past Recipients
2024 Awardee
Khushboo Patel, University of Louisville
2023 Awardees
Faigy Mandelbaum and Jin Yang
2022 Awardee
Gabriel L. Medianero Arauz, University of Panamá
2021 Awardee
Stylianos Syropoulos, University of Massachusetts Amherst
“Positive and Negative Peace as Predictors of Pandemic Preparedness: Emerging Evidence During the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic”
2020 Awardee
Cheung Yan Lok, City University of Hong Kong
2019 Awardee
Madeleine Stenerson
University of Memphis
2018 Awardee
Joanna Maung, MA,
University of Missouri Kansas City
2017 Awardees
Yujia Lei, PhD
“The Chinese Mental Health Value Scale: Measuring Chinese College Students’ Cultural Values, Values of Mental Health, and Subjective Well-being”
Department of Educational Psychology
The University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS
Advisor: Changming Duan, PhD
Rosanne M. Jocson, MA, MS
“Risk and Protective Factors Among Low-Income Urban Mothers and Fathers in the Philippines”
Department of Psychology
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Advisor: Rosario Ceballo, PhD
Fang Hong, MA
“Childhood Maltreatment and Negative Mental Health Outcomes in U.S. and Korean Young Adults: The Mediation Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies”
Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences
Boston University, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Boston, MA
Advisor: Kathleen Malley-Morrison, EdD
2016 Awardees
Lauren Dewey, MA, M.Phil.
“Providing Care for Many in the Context of Few Resources: Secondary Traumatic Stress, Burnout and Moral Distress Experienced by Healthcare Providers in Rural Uganda”
Clinical Psychology Program at John Jay College
Graduate Center at the City University of New York
New York, NY
Advisor: Maureen Allwood, Ph.D.
Xue Yang, M.Phil.
“Culture and Stigma Internalization: The Buffering Effect of Dialectics among Hong Kong Chinese and Mainland Chinese”
Department of Psychology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China
Advisor: Winnie W. S. Mak, Ph.D.
Jean-Machelle Benn-Dubois, Ph.D.
“A Cultural Study on Transactional Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean: Professional Perspectives”
International Psychology Program
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Chicago, IL
Advisor: Patricia H. A. Perez, Ph.D.
2015 Awardees
Amanda Long, MA
“Be Proud of Who You Are”: Negotiating Colorism and Identity Among Black Women
Advisor: Nicole Coleman, PhD
Counseling Psychology
University of Houston, Texas
Erin Yiqing Lu
Bicultural Identity Integration Predicts Well-Being Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy
Advisor: Sylvia Xiaohua Chen, PhD
Department of Applied Social Sciences
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Minjie Lu
Culture and Group-based Emotion: Examining Group-Based Emotional Complexity among Chinese and Dutch
Advisor: Helen H. Fung, PhD
Department of Psychology
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Destiny Peterson, MS
Evaluating clinicians’ differential diagnostic decisions for ICD-11 psychotic disorders
Advisor: Jared Keeley, PhD
Department of Psychology
Mississippi State University, Mississippi
2014 Awardees
Spencer Evans, MA
“Psychologists’ Perspectives on the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Disorders: Results from the WHO-IUPsyS Global Survey”
Clinical Child Psychology Program
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS
Advisor: Michael C. Roberts, PhD, ABPP
Sheena Jeswani, MA
“Predicting Depression in College Students: A Cross-Cultural Comparison”
Department: Applied Developmental Psychology Program
Fordham University
New York, NY
Advisor: Daniela Jopp, PhD
Maha Y. See, PsyD
“Positive and Protective Factors in the Psychological Well-Being of Refugees from Burma during their Post-Migration Experience”
Clinical Psychology PsyD Program
Alliant International University
San Francisco, CA
Advisor: Sheila J. Henderson, MBA, PhD / Harriet Curtis-Boles, PhD
Laura K. Taylor, PhD
“Does violence beget violence? Factors moderating trajectories of youth aggression in a context of political conflict”
Psychology Department and Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, dual PhD
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
Advisor: E. Mark Cummings, PhD
2013 Awardees
Erica Fung, M.A.
“Men’s perceptions of, and preferences for, women’s body size: An international comparison of Chinese men in the U.S. and Hong Kong”
Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program
California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University
Los Angeles, CA
Advisor: Terece S. Bell, Ph.D.
Sarah L. Kelly, M.A.
“A contribution to international research on stress, trauma, and coping: An exploratory study with Guatemalan children and adolescents”
Psychology Department
Wheaton College
Wheaton, IL
Advisor: Kelly S. Flanagan, Ph.D.
Heather E. Mitchell, M.A.
“Guatemalan indigenous youth: Experiences of ethnic discrimination and its impact”
Clinical Psychology Program
Wheaton College
Wheaton, IL
Advisor: Kelly S. Flanagan, Ph.D.
Jennifer Mootz
“Gender-based violence in the internally-displaced Olilim community in Northeastern Uganda”
Department of Psychology & Philosophy, Counseling Psychology Program
Texas Woman’s University
Denton, TX
Advisor: Sally D. Stabb, Ph.D.
Juliana V. Yam, M.A.
“Evaluation of attachment patterns among Chinese, Cambodian, and European-Americans using the ECR-R scale”
Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program
California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University
San Francisco, CA
Advisor: Sheila J. Henderson, MBA, Ph.D.
2012 Awardees
Lauren C. Ng, M.A.
“Risk Pathways from 1994 Rwandan Tutsi Genocide Exposure to Distress and Traumatic Stress in Orphaned Heads of Household”
Clinical Psychology Program
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
Advisor: Beth E. Meyerowitz, Ph.D.
Andrew Ogle
“Young Peruvians¹ Perceptions of Suicide Precipitants”
Counseling Psychology Program
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Advisor: Silvia S. Canetto, Ph.D.
Mrinalini Rao, M.S.
“Globalization and the ‘Identity Remix’ among Urban Adolescents in India”
Counseling Psychology Program
University of Illinois
Champaign, Illinois
2011 Awardees
Elena S. Yakunina, M.A.
“Personal Growth Initiative among International Students: Predicting Psychological Wellbeing”
Department of Psychology
The University of Akron
Akron, OH
Advisor: Ingrid Weigold, Ph.D.
R. Eric Lewandowski, M.S.
“Community Impact of Group Interpersonal Psychotherapy in rural Uganda”
Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology
Teachers College, Columbia University
New York, NY
Advisor: Helena Verdeli, Ph.D
Joseph C. S. Siu, MCS, MBA
“Culture, coping and well-being among Chinese individuals with chronic pain in Hong Kong”
California School of Professional Psychology
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program
Alliant International University, Hong Kong Campus
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Advisor: Diane Zelman, Ph.D.
2010 Awardees
Maria Kholodova
“Relational Aggression and Relational Victimization in Russian Children: Negative Correlates and Protective Factors”
California School of Professional Psychology
Alliant International University
PhD Program in Clinical Psychology
San Diego, California
Advisor: Sharon L. Foster, PhD
Daria Diakonova-Curtis
“Gender Roles in Women from the former Soviet Union”
California School of Professional Psychology
Alliant International University
PhD Program in Clinical Psychology
San Francisco, California
Advisor: Natalie Porter, PhD
Joann Wright Mawasha
“The Experience of Living with HIV/AIDS in the Bahamas: A Qualitative Study”
Wright State University
School of Professional Psychology
Dayton, Ohio
Advisor: Cheryl Wright, PhD, JD
Reid Trotter
“Perfectionism, coping, adjustment, and achievement in Taiwanese culture”
University of Missouri
Counseling Psychology
Columbia, MO
Advisor: Puncky Paul Heppner, PhD
2009 Awardees
Award of Excellence
Lena Lim – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
The Role of Allocentrism on Male Adolescent Violence in a Collective Society, Singapore
Faculty Mentor: Weining C. Chang, PhD
Cecilia Sin-Sze Cheung – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Parents’ Involvement in Children’s Learning in the United States and China: Implications for Children’s Academic and Emotional Adjustment
Faculty Mentor: Eva M. Pomerantz, PhD
Award of Merit
Daniel B. Hess – University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
The Mental Health Sequelae and Treatment of Massive Community Violence in West Africa
Faculty Mentor: Michael Goh, PhD
Jin You – Chinese University of Hong Kong
Age differences in Dispositional Pessimism: A Cross-cultural Study
Faculty Mentor: Helene H. L. Fung, PhD
Melody Wong Kai Yan – The City University of Hong Kong
A Cultural Comparison of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies among Hong Kong Chinese and North Americans
Faculty Mentor: Dannii Y. Yeung, PhD
2008 Awardees
Award of Excellence
Jeannie Annan, PhD, Indiana University – Bloomington
The Mental Health of Child Soldiers: Mitigating the Impact of Violence
Faculty Mentor: Chalmer E. Thompson, PhD
Peter Yeomans, PhD, Drexel University
The Effect of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Psychoeducation on the Nature and Severity of Traumatic Stress Symptoms in a Burundian Sample
Faculty Mentor: Evan M. Forman, PhD
Pizza Chow Ka-yee, BSocSci, City University of Hong Kong
Self-stigma, Homosexual Identity, and “Come Out”: A Comparative Study of Lesbians in Hong Kong and Mainland China
Faculty Mentor: Sheung-tak Cheng, PhD
Award of Merit
Esmeralda Valdivieso Mora, BPsyc, San Diego State University
Mental Health Literacy of Schizophrenia in El Salvador and the United States
Faculty Mentor: Richard G. Graf, PhD
Xin Zhang Hare, MPhil, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Age Differences in Emotional Poignancy in Two Different Cultures: Emotion Regulation as a Moderator
Faculty Mentor: Helene H. Fung, PhD
Liu Yenling, MS, Illinois School of Professional Psychology
Factor Structure and Item Equivalence of the Chinese and English Version of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale
Faculty Mentor, Jim Graham, PhD