Join the International Environmental Justice Committee at APA 2023!
Two events: Breakfast (Friday 8-9:30) followed by Symposium (Friday 10-10:50)

What: Breakfast in the Division 52 Hospitality Suite
When: Friday, August 5th, 8:00 – 9:30 am EST
Hosted by: International Environmental Justice Committee & International Perspectives in Psychology
Come and join us for breakfast a meet International Perspectives in Psychology Guest Editors Erinn Cameron, Luca Tateo, Gonzalo Bacigalupe, and Associate IPP Editor Joy Mendiola Teng-Calleja. We will discuss the IEJC current special issue: “Environmental Justice and Psychology: Alternative Ideas on Environmental Issues.” You will also have a chance learn about publishing in our division’s journal. Our primary topic will be special issues. Have you ever wondered how to submit a proposal for a special issue of IPP? You will also learn about current special issues, how to submit manuscripts, and how the review process works. Have you ever thought about being a guest editor? Of special interest will be the current special issue put forward by the IEJC (please see below). Following breakfast, please join us at the main convention for our IEJC symposium.
See the Call for papers for the special issue here – deadline August 31, 2023

What: Symposium 2.0 “Towards a new way of understanding and promoting international environmental justice in psychology”
When: Friday, August 4 10:00 -10:50 am EST
Where: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Level 1, Room 146A
Abstract: The Critical Conversation session, in collaboration with DIV34, will question international psychology’s concepts, ethics and methods in relation to environmental justice and cooperation. Speakers will discuss experiences engaging the audience in a discussion about the APA Climate Crisis Action plan beyond the current Global North’s framework.
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