Awards Timeline and tasks:

  1. September-December in the year PRIOR to being Awards Chair, confirm/appoint chairs for each of the Award Committees except the Outstanding International Psychologist Award. For this award (for which the Awards Chair is chair), constitute the committee (presidential trio plus some of the past presidents of your choice).
  2. January – Set up schedule of regular calls for nominations for the awards to send to the Div52 listserv; consult with award sub-committee chairs for them to set up schedule to publicize the awards for which they are responsible – for example Henry David mentoring award also students and to Division 2; Denmark-Reuder award to Div52ICFW, Division 35, Committee on Women in Psychology; ECP award to other ECP groups; Rubin Flores award to Global Network of Psychologists for Human Rights, etc. etc.).
  3. February – Confirm that all award subcommittee chairs have formed their own review committees (encourage involvement of broad group of D52 members – it’s an easy entry point into service for D52)
  4. February – Review deadlines. In the past deadlines have been April 15 and then sometimes extended.
  5. April – Check with webmaster on number of nominations for each award at least two weeks prior to the first nominations deadline
  6. April-May (deadline time):
    1. Receive all award nominations materials from webmaster (or download it your self if you have taken instruction on how to do so).
    2. Distribute award nominations materials to award sub-committee chairs.
    3. Give award subcommittee chairs a deadline to make their recommendation decisions
  7. May – Receive recommendations from award subcommittee chairs (can ask for choice and 1st alternate) in the following form:
    1. Name of nominee, institution, country, email, and reasons for choice
  8. June 1 – Compile list of proposed recipients for all awards. Send this list to the ELECTED (not extended) Board for their review and vote. If the vote is electronic it requires ALL board members to vote; if the vote is via zoom or in person it requires quorum. (see sample emails)
  9. June 1 – Communicate with award winners with consistent D52 letter (see sample)
    1. Inform them they have won the award
    2. Inform them there will be an awards ceremony in the Division 52 Suite and invite them to attend in person or virtually
    3. Request materials for posting awards on the web: 150 word bios, head shot, name, institution, country and have them send this to you with cc to webmaster
  10. Communicate with webmaster on materials to expect
  11. Communicate with Secretary to order awards recognition: medals and certificates.
  12. Be sure to specifically invite awardees AND their nominators to the awards ceremony
  13. Communicate with convention suite chairs to reserve time for awards ceremony
  14. July – Plan awards ceremony
  15. August-September: review award materials on the D52 web and set deadlines for 2024
  16. Write report to Board on awards process (number of nominees; outcomes; suggestions for improvement)
  17. Review APA web listing of awards and make corrections if necessary.