Professional title for a Practicing Psychologist:

Usually psychologist

Criteria, Regulations and Procedures to obtain a License:

Psychotherapy schools and institutes (private) decide their regulations on their own. There is no national regulatory system. Only specialists with medical degrees (psychiatrist, medical psychotherapist, medical psychologist, etc) have national license for medical practice. But psychological or psychotherapeutic practice – is a private institution issue. There is no license for psychological practice in Ukraine

Any Supplemental Resources regarding procedures for Licensure:

I`m coordinator of the component of the project (Mental Health for Ukraine (MH4U) which is responsible for developing such regulations. So, we are developing legal procedures for licensing practitioner psychologists and psychotherapists. I’ll be glad to explain the situation deeply.

Reciprocity of Licenses:

Yes, but there is no legal procedure. Only for medical specialization.

Temporary/Short-Term Licenses (which are often needed for psychologists doing humanitarian work in foreign countries):

Never heard about such practice in Ukraine. We have short-term programs, such as CETA. But no short-term license

Name and Website of the Licensing Body/Bodies To Which You Belong:

Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (

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