Fall, year before elections:
- Determine open positions for the next year’s elections
- Distribute a call for nominations with a deadline in late January/early February
Spring, year of elections
- Develop slates
- Request Board approval for the slates
- Confirm willingness to run from each candidate and ask each candidate to sign the Division 52 Election Commitment letter (see here)
- Inform APA of D52 elections slates by APA deadline (usually end March, beginning April)
- Forward to each candidate:
- APA instructions for elections and APA request for Candidate’s statement (to be included with the ballot – sample here)
- D52 request for materials for the D52 website: head shot, short (250 word bio), 250 word Candidate’s Statement. These are posted on the D52 website
- Send note of slates and candidate information to the D52 listserv
After APA opens the elections
- Send regular reminders to the listserv to vote for Division officers with a link to their candidate information