This page will begin to guide you through the Division 52 Handbook to help you understand more about the Division and about your new role.
Where to begin?
- Peruse the Division 52 website. Look at the home page, look at each menu item to get a sense of the depth and breadth of the Division. Peruse the webinars; read an issue or two of the newsletter. Find your own position on the web and see what information is there.
- Read the Division 52 bylaws. This is the important grounding foundation of the Division. It tells you the mission, vision, values, and many operating procedures. You will be a much more engaged and proactive Board member if you know how the Division runs itself.
- Read the section on your role. This will include the goals and procedures of your role, timelines, and links to other related information. Please remember this Handbook is a work in progress, so if you dont see something, please ASK!
Things to remember
- The Division Board Listservs carry important information. Read those messages! Ask questions.
- When you are asked for information please supply it as soon as feasible. There are often deadlines.