Division 52 Handook
Prepared by:
Merry Bullock, Nancy Sidun and Division Chairs and other Leaders who provided input.
The formal rules and regulations of the Division of International Psychology, Division 52 of the American Psychological Association (APA), are set down in the Bylaws. The purpose of this Handbook is to augment the formal rules with details about the policies, practices, and operations of the Division.
The handbook contains the “what” and “how” of Division tasks and positions. The handbook appendix contains examples of materials and governance documents, including:
- Forms, sample communications for various Division tasks
- List of motions, policies and resolutions from the minutes of Executive meetings.
- Current Bylaws (Division 52 Bylaws, Revised 2024)
The information described in the Handbook is designed to complement the mandates of the Bylaws and are guides to action rather than formal rules of the Division.
The Handbook is intended to be a “living document” that can be updated and revised. Every effort has been made to provide comprehensive information; if there are omissions, we ask that you inform the Secretary (via this contact form) so that there can be continual updates and improvements.
The goal of this handbook is to be a useful, hand-on guide for Division leaders.
How to use the handbook
The Handbook is online so you can browse from general overviews to specific tasks. You can also use the search funcction to find specific keywords.
Where to begin?
If you just got elected or appointed to a Division leadership position, begin with this page: So you just got elected or appointed!
Follow this up with browsing:
- Roles and responsibilities of all Division leaders
- Sections for your specific position with tasks and timelines
How to correct or update the Handbook