The Division structure (its “org chart”) is presented as intersecting circles or “Groupings” under the ourview of the Division Board of Directors. This is intended to represent one D52 community goal – a colleagial, non-hierarchical governance structure that emphasizes communication, collaboration and synergy.
The Division is governed by its Board of Directors of 11 elected members, 10 with three year terms and one (student representive) with two year terms, and 1 appointed Parliamentarian position without vote (1 year term):
Elected Members: President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President for Engagement, Vice President for Initiatives, Vice President for Communication, Division Representative to APA Council, ECP Representative to the Board, Student Representative to the Board,
The Board of Directors Officers (the Executive Committee) include the President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The Extended Board includes all Board members and also appointed Chairs of Division Committees, Editors, and other appointed positions.