Position Description and Tasks
Name of Position: Early Career Psychologist Representative to the Board
Term of appointment: The ECP Representative is elected for a 3-year term (beginning with the 2026 election, term 2027-2029)
Tasks of the Position
- Serve as chair of the ECP Committee
- Foster a home base for ECPs within the division;
- Coordinate Division ECP communications, outreach, and engagement with ECPs and associated Division committees and positions
- Act and provide resources relevant to ECPs to enhance their international perspectives and opportunities;
- Serve as ECP Member of the Nominations and Elections Committee
- Report the activities of the ECP committee for the Division newsletter and to the annual and midwinter meetings of the Division Board of Directors.
- Recruit a chair for the ECP Distinguished Contributions to Psychology Award committee (the ECP rep can be this chair or can recruit another person. Appointments are made by the Division 52 president).
- Actively participate as a voting member on the Board of Directors
- Regularly communicate and collaborate with the Vice President for Engagement
- Facilitate ECP leadership and engagement in the division and in APA;
- Enhance the visibility of ECPs in the division.
Identity ECP Committee members by actively recruiting (call for members to the Division listserv?)
- Identify members of the ECP Committee and meet with ECP Committee
- Develop an activity work plan at the start of year to be implemented for the Division’s diverse group of ECPs (practitioners, educators, researchers, etc.) throughout the year
- Confirm the chair for the Outstanding ECP awards. Connect with the Awards Chair to be sure they have this information.
- Review ECP awards and liaise with past chairs on award nominations, alongside the award committee chair.
- Meet with ECP Committee
- Meet with ECP Committee
- Meet with ECP Committee
- Meet with ECP Committee
- Review Outstanding ECP Contributions awards nominations
- Meet with ECP Committee
- Plan convention activities with EC Committee
- Meet with ECP Committee
- Meet with ECP Committee
- Provide networking and division engagement opportunities for ECP members at APA annual convention (eg; breakfast; luncheon)
- Meet with ECP Committee
- Meet with ECP Committee
- Meet with ECP Committee
- Meet with ECP Committee
- Use Doodle polls to schedule meetings. Send out the Doodle WELL in advance and offer many weekend and evening options.
- Be clear with expectations. This is a particularly busy group of folks. Let them know what you need and when you need it and they will do their very best.
- Be proactive about involving the Student Committee. We do not collaborate enough.
- Use Convention to your advantage. Host a social hour (with the Student Committee) and also invest in having ECP committee members reach out and personally invite.
- Collaborate more with ECP committee chairs of different divisions to identify joint opportunities