Fall (November) Board Meeting

APA Convention Board Meeting August, 2024

Motions passed:

  • Appointment of Antonios Kagialis as the Science Committee Student Co-Chair
  • Balance and reapportion investment portfolio on the advice of Oakheart
  • Form a Special Task Force to examine the member’s role of non-doctoral level mental health professionals. Members are Srinivas , McGrath, Tateo, and an ECP representative.
  • Revised Fellows Application Guidelines adopted
  • Medallions will be mailed to awardees who are unable to attend APA convention. Awarding medallions will be reconsidered

Tasks proposed:

  1. Task force to look at Division 52 liaison programs and possibilities
  2. Proposal for certificate programs for immigration evaluations (Antuna)
  3. Proposal for webinar support (Lazarus)
  4. Develop new SGP logo
  5. Recruit Student Member Co-Chair (Sisson)
  6. Reconsider including medallions as part of D52 awards (Sidun)


Summer (June 2) 2024 via zoom

2024 Midwinter 

Motions Passed

  • $1000 was allocated to each Division convention co-chair for attending the APA convention
  • Student-led Mentoring Program approved
  • Bylaws Amendments (from Midwinter meeting) were approved
  • The Division name change from “Division of International Psychology of the American Psychological Association ” to “Society for Global Psychology, Division 52 of the American Psychological Association” was approved
  • Gulzar Ahmad was appointed as the Representative to the APA Divisions of Social Justice
  • Ana Luiza de França Sá was appointed as the D52 Historian/Archivist
  • Student Membership Scholarship program was discontinued

Tasks allocated:

  • Encourage students to join committees (Hakim-Larson)
  • Ask members to make donations for Division Awards (Choi)


Fall (November) Board Meeting

APA Convention Board Meeting August, 2023

Motions passed:

Tasks proposed:

Summer 2023 via zoom

2023 Midwinter 

Motions Passed

Tasks allocated:


Fall (November) Board Meeting

The Board approved:
A 50% reduction in fees to Division members living in low and middle income countries as defined by the World Bank.


APA Convention Board Meeting August, 2022

The Board approved:
1. Invest D52 $60-65,000 in D52 funds with Oakheart.
2. Dr. Sidun will chair a awards committee/task force to look at awards and who oversees them.
3. The ECP Chair, ECP Chair Elect, Student Chair and Student Chair lect  will receive $500 to assist with personal expenses at APA Convention.
4. Extending D52 endorsement of APA’s Statement and Commitment of the International Psychology Network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Issues (IPsyNet)  for 5 years.

Summer (June 2) 2022 via zoom

No motions.

2022 Midwinter (January)

The Board approved:
1. Draft budget for 2022
2. Slate of nominees for Division 52 elected positions

2013 APA
Board Approved:
1. Board minutes from the September 2013 continuation of Board meeting by phone conference due to storm in Honolulu to be supplement to APA minutes.
2. An annual strategic plan for membership growth will be presented to the board by the Membership Committee members for approval and implementation.
3. After lengthy discussion of the results of member survey on a name change, several proposed motions and one rescinded motion, it was finally decided to have a formal Bylaws vote through APA to either keep the division’s current name or change it to Society for the Advancement of International Psychology. Pros and Cons presented for both alternatives.
4. Accept Springer contract for book series and appoint Editors, Gielen, Takooshian and Poyrazli.
5. McCormick to represent division at spring Educational Leadership Conference.
6. Finance Committee to make budget cut decisions in line with priorities for strategic goals.
7. Rubin will investigate donation guidelines and draft text for the Handbook.
8. Poyrazli’s request to monetarily support Div. 17’s annual International Scholars Breakfast at APA.
9. Committee with ECP, Student and Web Tech members to explore and recommend PayPal for website and members.

2013 Midyear
1.     Board agreed that the Federal Advocacy Coordinator position should be an experienced clinician with advocacy interests and expertise.
2.     The membership will be surveyed about a possible name change for the division and the EC will make a decision after receiving the results of the vote conducted by APA.
3.     The motion to proceed with a book series with Springer and to seek APA consultation for the agreement was unanimously approved.
4.     Immigration Committee reactivated and new committee on Building Bridges with Psi Chi begun.
5.     Presidential initiatives on technology and mental health internationally for 2013-14.
6.     Unanimous vote to have brown bag lunches at Midyear meetings to save costs.
7.     Minutes should be approved by board members present at the meeting and after approval will be posted on the website. The new website is up at http://div52.org

2012 APA
Board approved:
1. Generic business cards without personalization to save costs.
2. Bronze sponsorship of the National Multicultural Conference & Summit at the $400 level.
3. Webmaster has final approval over approving and posting messages.
4. Establishment of two Early Career Profession Award (US and non-US) to be funded by Uwe Gielen.
5. Holding midyear meeting in New York with EPA.
6. Surveying the membership about a possible name change.

2012 Midyear
1.  At the 15th anniversary of the founding of the division, founders and leaders will be recognized and a Past Presidents Breakfast will be held at APA.
2.  The board now has an Early Career Professional as Member-at-Large and a student representative. 3. The Heritage Mentoring Project has begun with several senior/student/ECP matches and interviews published in the newsletter.
4.  It was agreed to continue the policy of publishing all APA presidential candidate statements in the IPB without endorsement of any specific candidate.
5.  The Council Representative will serve as Governance Chair.
6.  The newsletter editor will be supported with travel expenses and a modest line item, but not an honorarium.
7. Midyear travel stipends to be in budget and depending on available funds, requests will be honored on a case by case basis by the President.
8. Bullock’s request to include articles from the IPB in Psychology Resources around the World was unanimously approved.
9.  A motion to restructure the Committees and terms of office for chairs did not pass.
10.  There will be one Awards Committee with sub-committees for the various awards.
11.  Unanimous approval to make the Student, ECP and Publications and Communications as Standing Committees.

2011 APA
1.     Rubin will invite all past-presidents to be a part 15th anniversary during APA 2012.
2.     The board members voted for SCCR over WPA for the 2012 mid-winter meeting.
3.     Rice presented Bylaws changes and it was unanimously approved that the ECP member-at-large will chair the ECP Committee and the Student Board Representative will chair the Student Committee.
4.     Treasurer Stevens’ budget report was unanimously accepted.
5.     Re ISCP and IAAP funds ($3,100), it was recommended that Gloria Gottsegen write a check to APF indicating that the money is for Division 52.
6.     Board supported Richard Velayo to develop a webmaster committee.
7.     A new award for Early Career Psychologists was unanimously approved.
8.     Based on the Handbook, current past-presidents will serve as “awards coordinator.”

2011 Midyear
1.     Segal’s proposal to create an ECP award unanimously approved.
2.     Brochures will be published a month before the August APA and mid-winter meetings.
3.     New line/income in the budget for $1,000 for office expenses for the Division journal.  A division stipend will be considered once the journal is actually published.
4.     Other investment options will be pursued with a report at APA 2011 Board meeting.
5.     Rubin proposal to allocate one of the member-at-large positions for an ECP and create a student position on the board unanimously approved and membership will be polled re necessary changes in the bylaws.
6.      Rubin proposals to develop a column for students/ECPs in IPB ; to have each committee include one student or ECP in its composition; and to start a Heritage Mentoring Project to connect senior members with students and ECPs were all supported
7.     Takooshian’s motion approved: “For both principled and practical reasons, the APA Division of International Psychology strongly supports the continuation of the 50% dues credit for our colleagues in the Canadian Psychological Association.” This wording of the statement will be shared at the Council meeting.
8.     A name change was unanimously approved for The Henry David Award for International Mentoring.
9.     The board agreed that the publication committee should continue exploring options with a number of publishers.

2010 APA
1. Collins announced that Dr. Judith Gibbons will be the editor of International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice and Consultation.’
2.  Grant Rich will be the new editor of the IPB.
3.  Rice presented Bylaws changes.  Approved were the provision of electronic voting for board and bylaws changes, APA handling the counting of votes; provision of board meeting by conference call; clarification of program chair committee composition; and several additions to publications section noting new journal, editor and description.
3.  Nancy Sidun will lead the new Division Task Force on Human Trafficking.
4.  Mark Terjesen will serve as Program Co-chair next year with Senel Poyrazli.
5.  Collins will develop a system for keeping track of award winners and non-winners so that candidates may be easily re-nominated.
6.  Henderson will institute a new schedule for the submission of applications for student research awards and will plan a new two-tiered blind review process.
7.  Treasurer Stevens’ budget report was unanimously accepted.
8.  Segal announced that the Membership Committee will update the Division brochure and oversee distribution.
9.  Ciftci’s proposal to create an Early Career listserv was accepted.
10. Long Range Planning has been tasked to review committees and to propose which committees should be ‘standing’ and which ‘ad hoc.’
11.  Velayo will test a Facebook page for the Division.  He will also explore the cost of an open listserv for the Division.

2010 Midyear
1.  Stevens clarified that the convention registration waiver for the Gielen Award winner should come from the waivers allotted to the Program Committee from the Convention Office rather than from an expense to the Division’s bottom line.
2.  Hogan reported on progress on development of the international psychology DVD.
3.  Members will review an APA statement of support from the Public Interest Directorate in protest of the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Laws.
4.  Velayo was authorized to explore an open Division listserv.
5.  Grenwald’s proposed ‘comment’ on APA’s “‘Principles for Quality Undergraduate Education in Psychology Revised 2010” to include international perspectives was approved.
6.  The Board decided that ISCP members would be welcomed as individual Division members, but not as a Division ‘section.’
7. The Board unanimously accepted Stevens’ proposal for the Division to become an official sponsor of the 2011 Multicultural Summit in Seattle.
8.  The Division Council Representative will function as a ‘governance chair’ in the Division to monitor opportunities in APA for members.
9.  Gielen requested that the Membership Committee update the Division brochure.
10.  Velayo announced that Survey Monkey is available for Division members.

2009 APA
1.  Collins reported that the proposed Division 52 journal will be titled, ‘International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice and Consultation.’  She will chair the search for a journal editor.
2.  Stevens’ treasurer report was unanimously accepted.
3.  The Board passed Gottsegen’s proposal to join with APA divisions refusing to hold meetings at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego to protest the owner’s financial support of the California anti-marriage referendum.
4.  The Board approved Segal’s proposal of a membership survey.
5.  Rice has accepted responsibility for updating the Division Handbook.
6.  Poyrazli received approval to select a new editor for the IPB.
7.  Officers accepted in principle the proposal to hold midwinter meetings every other year at the EPA, with other regional conferences selected for the alternate years.

2009 Midyear
1.  Stevens’ proposal to cut officers’ allocations, convention food expense and some committees’ line items in order to achieve a balanced budget this year was approved.
2.  A budget template to facilitate financial planning of committee chairs was approved.
3.  A Division financial policies document detailing travel reimbursement policies was reviewed with the Board voting to add flexibility to the distribution of funds when dollar limits are not met.
4.  Kalayjian announced that ‘Disaster and Violence Prevention” will be the new name of the committee formerly titled “Violence, Disaster and Trauma.’
5.  The Board voted unanimously to support the continued work of the Journal Task Force on the journal publishing agreement.
6.  O’Roark and Denmark are now on the national Fellows Committee.
7.  Ciftci announced that there will be a Division 52 ‘Best Student Poster Award’ at the 2009 annual convention.
8.  Pickren, Segal, Rubin and Horne are developing a program guide for future program chairs.
9.  The board voted to praise Poyrazli for her outstanding work as IPB editor.
10.  Rice’s proposal to sunset inactive committees was accepted.

2008 APA
1.  Collins announced that the Division 52 midwinter meeting will be held in conjunction with the Western Psychological (WPA) in Portland, Oregon 4/23-4/26/09.
2.  Kalayjian and Stevens were asked to provide clarification of policies for travel support for Board members.
3.  The Division CODAPAR project is developing a National Speakers Network.
4.  Hogan reported that the Division history has been translated into nine languages.
5.  The Board voted to continue to explore the viability of the Division journal with careful attention to finances.  Approved.
6.  The Board voted to have Stevens continuing to work with the ISCP toward developing a Division section.  Approved.
7.  All issues of the Division newsletter are now available on the web.
8.  The Board voted down support for President-Elect Dr. Bray’s proposal for a ‘convention within the convention’ for APA 2009.

2008 Midyear
1.  O’Roark’s proposed that officers and committee chairs submit budgetary needs to the Finance Committee for the year ahead.
2.  Treasurer Kalayjian’s report on the budget accepted.
3.  Hogan asked that Board members provide him with relevant documents for the Division’s archives.
4.  A proposal for a Division 52 journal of broad scope expanding the initial concept of “Global Mental Health’ accepted.
5.  The Student Committee and the Early Career Committee will become separate committees.
6.  A Task Force was established to explore the possible creation of a Division ‘section’ to accommodate the International Society for Clinical Psychology (ISCP).
7.  Collins proposed diversifying the location of the midwinter meeting as a way of reaching out to new members across the country.
8.  Rubin described progress on developing a relationship with the APA Office of Ethics.
9.  Kalayjian’s proposal to add $500 to the website line item in the budget was approved.

2007 APA
Board approved:
1. Minutes of 2007 Midyear and Treasurer’s report.
2. Division 52 dues increase of five dollars for APA Fellows, Members and Associates (both dues paying and dues exempt) and Professional Affiliates and Students. No increase for International Affiliates, remaining at $23.
3. Mission Statement Revision to read, “Division 52 seeks to develop a psychological science and practice that is contextually informed, culturally inclusive, serves the public interest, and promotes global perspectives within and outside of APA.”
4. A $500 stipend will be given to the winner of the Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award for travel expenses to APA, contingent on his/her presentation at the convention.
5. Restoration of the Committee on Living Abroad without any budget allocation.
6. Initiation of Task Force on Division International Journal with Poyrazli, Wedding, Stevens and Gielen.

2007 Midyear:
Board approved:
1. The minutes of the August 9, 2006 Board meeting in New Orleans.
2. The 2007 Budget
3.  Bylaws: Approved revised composition of standing committee; revised duties of the History and Archives Committee; revised composition of the Membership and Fellows Committees
3.  Sunset of the International Visitor Program.
4.  Establishment of coordinators for the Hospitality Suite and a formalized relationship between the Program Co-Chair and Students and Early Career Professionals Committees.
5.  Substitution of current divisional liaisons to Division 52 with CIRP liaisons.
6.  Separation of the Students / Early Career Committee into Students and Early Career Professionals Committees.
7.  Revised terms of office for the chair of the Student Committee.
8.  Support for COR new business item 25F/AO6, calling for the establishment of an ad hoc task force to investigate the merits, needs, and outcomes lf an evidence based practice policy for applied psychologists and the benefits of collaborating with international associations interested in developing EBP policy for applied psychology.

2006 APA:
Board approved:
1.  APA Reimbursement Form to be used for submitting expenses.
2.  Handbook to be reviewed annually
3.  Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award established
4.  Bylaws changes including clarification of duties of Bulletin editor; specification of Committee and Task Force chairs and voting rights; nomination procedures, election process and results reporting revised; webmaster’s term of office specified.

2006 Midyear
Board approved the following:
1. Co-sponsorship with Division 2 “Best Practices in the Teaching of Psychology” meeting
2. Change of name from International Psychology Reporter to International Psychology Bulletin
3. Policy not to use email listserv to promote professional activities without Board approval
4. 1-year extension of the International Visitor Program
5. Dr. B. Byrne appointed to head Task Force on Research Methodology
6. Endorsement letter from faculty advisor required for applicants for student awards
7. Early Career Professionals Committee changed to Student and Early Career Professionals Committee
8. SECC Policy and Procedure Manual
9. Bylaws: History and Archives and Finance Committees elevated to standing committees
10. Financial Policy approved.
11.  President-elect to serve on the Finance Committee
12.  Member-at-large duties to include special project

No minutes available.

2004 Midyear
1. Formally thanked EPA and Psi Chi for their support of the successful mid-winter meeting.
Action: Approved
2: No more than one e-mail will be sent to members each month.  Action: Approved

2003 Midyear
1: Nominations should be reviewed by a nominations committee comprised of at least three Past- Presidents, and chaired by the immediate Past President.  Action: Approved
2: Language should be added to the requirements for the International Research Award for Students indicating that the work must be that of the student, and if published, the paper must include the student as a first author. The student must also be an affiliate of the APA.  Action: Approved
3: Ivan Kos to be reappointed to another 3-year term as Newsletter Editor (from August 2003 to August 2006). Action: Approved
4: The Board commended Joy Rice and her Task Force for their work on the resolution regarding international culture and gender awareness.  Action: Approved by acclamation
5: The Board agreed that the Division will not endorse or solicit support for a presidential candidate for APA. Action: Approved
6: The Board saluted Past President of the Division Charles Spielberger on his receiving the APA Life Achievement Gold Medal for 2003. Action: Approved by acclamation
7: The Board supports APA’S continued leadership in the International Coalition on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Concerns.  Action: Approved

2002 Midyear
1: Two formal expressions of gratitude were read in appreciation of the work of Ivan and Mirella Kos on the International Reporter.
2: The Board expressed its appreciation to Keith Cooke for his outstanding work with Div. 52.
3: The Historian-Archivist position was made a committee.
4: The Peace Committee was not reappointed.
5: The Chair of CIRP will be an ex-officio member of the Div. 52 Board.
6: The Board proposed that the Div. 52 President is a delegate or ex officio member of CIRP.
7: Develop a Speakers Bureau composed of psychologists who are visiting the U.S.

2001 Midyear
The Board approved the following:
1: President Gottsegen announced the formation of several ad hoc committees (Peace, Curriculum, Public Interest, Public Relations, Living Abroad, Students, Student Awards, Mentors, Prescription Privileges, and International Liaisons). The post of Historian was also created.
2: Proposal for a $500 donation from Div. 52 to the LGBCIC Conference
3: Board is asked to reconsider the change of name for the Division to the Society for International Psychology. The return to the original name is approved.

No minutes available

1999 Midyear
The Board Approved:
1: Frances Culbertson moved that a Finance Committee be formed with Henry David as Chair, and Carl Zimet and Lenore Walker as members.
2: Henry David suggested we invest in either T-bonds or follow APA investing guidelines.
3: William Masten suggested that the division purchase its own domain name with an “intuitive” name that interested people might easily locate, e.g., “internationalpsychology.org.”
4: Revisions to the draft of the bylaws were proposed, including length of term and Board status of the newsletter editor. Other technical revisions were also proposed.

No minutes available

1997 APA
1: Henry David suggested we accept advertising in the newsletter in a manner that conforms to existing APA guidelines and at the discretion of the newsletter editor.  Approved
2: Hagop Pambookian asked the Division to support an international humanitarian award, to be administered by CIRP.  Approved.

1997 Midyear
1: Mary Reuder moved that the newsletter be kept to two issues per year for the next two years (through the year 2000) or until our finances improve.  Approved.
2: Frances Culbertson moved that we forego any additional Board meetings until the meeting at the August Annual convention.   Approved.
3: Robert Perloff moved to establish dues increases – $20 for full membership, $20 for non-APA members, $10 for dues exempt members who want the newsletter, $10 for students.  Approved.