Nominations and Elections Chair
- The Nominations and Elections Chair is the Past President
Nominations and Elections Committee
Bylaws: 5.4.2
Committee on Nominations and Elections
a. The Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall be the Past President. Members shall include the President, President-Elect, and other members as designated by the President.
b. No Nominations and Elections Committee member shall stand for Division election while on the committee.
c. The purview of the Nominations and Elections Committee is to:
i Develop slates of candidates for division elections and coordinate with APA in the conduct of those elections;
ii Develop recommendations and nominations to the slates of other APA governance groups to infuse an international perspective throughout APA.
Nominations and Elections Committee
- Composition of the committee
- Goals of the committee
- Bylaws description. of the committee
Nominations and Elections Tasks
- Distribute calls for nominations for Division open positions
- Coordinate Nominations procedures and online forms with the webmaster
- Meet with the Nominations Committee to review submitted nominations and suggest further nominations
- Develop Board election slates for Board approval
- Coordinate with nominees to provide information for elections (letter of commitment, statements, photo)
- Coordinate with APA elections office to deliver slates
- Send notices to the DIvision listservs about nominees, about voting procedures, and reminders to vote
- Announce selected candidates
- Nominate Division 52 members to other APA boards and committees
Fall, year before assume position
- Determine open positions for the next year’s elections
- Distribute a call for nominations with a deadline in late January/early February
- Meet with Nominations and Elections Committee to review nominees
- If needed, reach out to possible candidates
- Develop Slates
- Present slates to Board for ratification at the Mid-Winter Meeting
- Report slates to APA Elections Office
- Confirm willingness to run from each candidate and ask each candidate to sign the Division 52 Election Commitment letter (see here)
- Inform APA of D52 elections slates by APA deadline (usually end March, beginning April)
- Forward to each candidate:
- APA instructions for elections and APA request for Candidate’s statement (to be included with the ballot – sample here)
- D52 request for materials for the D52 website: head shot, short (250 word bio), 250 word Candidate’s Statement. These are posted on the D52 website
- Send note of slates and candidate information to the D52 listserv
After APA opens the elections
- Send regular reminders to the listserv to vote for Division officers with a link to their candidate information
- Congratulate elected members
- Determine open positions for the next year’s elections
- Distribute a call for nominations with a deadline in late January/early February
- Distribute a call for nominations for open positions with a deadline in late January/early February
- Remind members to make nominations
- Determine open positions for the next year’s elections
- Distribute a call for nominations with a deadline in late January/early February
Sample Documents
- Call for nominations
- Committment letter to nominees
- Request for nominee information for D52 web and for APA
- Request for approval from the Board for slate
- Letter to elected Board members