Position Title: Division 52 President
Term of Office: One year as President (preceded by 1 year as President Elect and followed by 1 year as Past President)
Mention of President in the Bylaws:
4.3.3. President
- a. The President shall be the Member who has just completed their term as President-Elect.
- b. The term of office of the President shall be one year.
- c. The duties of the President are as follows:
- To preside at meetings of the Board of Directors Executive Committee, and all other usual duties of a presiding officer;
- To appoint chairs for Division committees as needed;
- To participate as a member of the Nominations and Elections Committee and the Awards Subcommittee for Outstanding International Psycchologist
- To fulfill other duties as specified in the Division Handbook.
Tasks of the President
- Serve as the executive leader of the Division
- Chair meetings of the Division (Board meetings, Annual Meeting, Social Events, Midwinter meeting)
- Chair the Executive Committee (AT LEAST MONTHLY)
- Develop meeting agendas in collaboration with the Executive Committee and Board members
- Appoint Chairs to Committees (on recommendations)
- Work with Executive Committee to review and sign contracts
- Maintain a presence in print and social media outlets
- Write a welcome for the web homepage
- Write a regular column for the Division newsletter
- Serve as liaison to the Office of International Affairs, the Committee on Global Psychology
- Attend the Global Psychology Alliance meetings or appoint a representative
- Represent Division 52 at other psychology meetings or activities (e.g. UN Psychology Day, scientific meetings, regional psych assn meetings – note these are at the president’s own cost)
- Develop a presidential address for the APA convention
- Select recipients of Presidential Citations (presented at convention)
- Work with the current year’s Convention Chairs to plan the meeting structure and activities
- Serve as member of the Awards Subcommittee: Award for Outstanding International Psychologist
- Do preliminary work for upcoming Nominations and Elections committee chair (e.g. send out call for nominations in the fall)
- Submit annual Division report to APA
- Monitor Division Digest and other communications for information of interest to Division members
- (Optional) Develop own presidential initiatives or themes
Fall, Prior to Assuming President Position
- Review Division committees and chair terms and develop list of upcoming vacancies.
- Recruit and appoint (subject to Board ratification) committee chairs
- Assume Position
- Send beginning of year message to Division members on the listserv (
- Check to see that website and other media outlets are updated to the new Board composition
- Send the Board details about the midwinter meeting (location, times, preliminary agenda, etc)
- Review Division Digest for items of interest for the Division listserv
- Read and review the Division Trio Listserv
- Work on the DIvision annual report (in conjunction with the Secretary)
- Attend GPA meetings on behalf of Division 52
- Make contact with the OIA and CGP to find out meeting schedules
- Meet with Convention co-chairs for update on convention program status
- Convene the Executive Committee
- Chair the Midwinter Meeting
- Division ANNUAL REPORT due
- Prepare Division newsletter column 1 (deadline March 5)
- Make plans to attend the CGP committee meeting in March
- Convene the Executive Committee
- Division Newsletter column due (March 5). Send to
- Attend CGP meeting
- Convene Executive Committee
- Meet with the Executive Committee
- Attend Psychology Day at the UN
- Meet with the Executive Committee
- Announce D52 Elections Winners
- Meet with the Executive Committee
- Meet with the Executive Committee
- Make preparations for APA convention and D52 Board Meeting
- Chair in person Board Meeting at convention
- Chair Division Annual Meeting at Convention
- Give Presidential Address at convention
- Chair Division social hours at Convention
- Attend poster sessions at convention and hand out awards
- Division Newsletter column due (August 15)
- Meet with the Executive Committee
- Collaborate with President-Elect on a CODAPAR grant
- Division Newsletter column #3 due (Oct 15)
- Convene Executive Committee
- Convene interim Board meeting (Zoom)
- In collaboration with Past President: Begin Nominations and Elections Chair activities:
- Review Board positions that will be vacant for the upcoming year
- Develop and Diseminate a Call for Nominations to the Division Announce Listserv (Div52@lists,
- Participate in Orientation meetings for newly elected D52 board members
- Send reminder on listserv to members to submit nominations for elected positions
- Division Newsletter column #4 due (Dec 15)
- Convene Executive Commiteee
- Prepare Annual Report (due in February)