
Position Title: Division 52 President

Term of Office: One year as President (preceded by 1 year as President Elect and followed by 1 year as Past President)

Mention of President in the Bylaws:

4.3.3.  President

  • a. The President shall be the Member who has just completed their term as President-Elect.
  • b. The term of office of the President shall be one year.
  • c. The duties of the President are as follows:
    • To preside at meetings of the Board of Directors Executive Committee, and all other usual duties of a presiding officer;
    • To appoint chairs for Division committees as needed;
    • To participate as a member of the Nominations and Elections Committee and the Awards Subcommittee for Outstanding International Psycchologist
    • To fulfill other duties as specified in the Division Handbook.

Tasks of the President

  1. Serve as the executive leader of the Division
  2. Chair meetings of the Division (Board meetings, Annual Meeting, Social Events, Midwinter meeting)
  3. Chair the Executive Committee (AT LEAST MONTHLY)
  4. Develop meeting agendas in collaboration with the Executive Committee and Board members
  5. Appoint Chairs to Committees (on recommendations)
  6. Work with Executive Committee to review and sign contracts
  7. Maintain a presence in print and social media outlets
    1. Write a welcome for the web homepage
    2. Write a regular column for the Division newsletter
  8. Serve as liaison to the Office of International Affairs, the Committee on Global Psychology
  9. Attend the Global Psychology Alliance meetings or appoint a representative
  10. Represent Division 52 at other psychology meetings or activities (e.g. UN Psychology Day, scientific meetings, regional psych assn meetings – note these are at the president’s own cost)
  11. Develop a presidential address for the APA convention
  12. Select recipients of Presidential Citations (presented at convention)
  13. Work with the current year’s Convention Chairs to plan the meeting structure and activities
  14. Serve as member of the Awards Subcommittee: Award for Outstanding International Psychologist
  15. Do preliminary work for upcoming Nominations and Elections committee chair (e.g. send out call for nominations in the fall)
  16. Submit annual Division report to APA
  17. Monitor Division Digest and other communications for information of interest to Division members
  18. (Optional) Develop own presidential initiatives or themes



Fall, Prior to Assuming President Position

  • Review Division committees and chair terms and develop list of upcoming vacancies.
  • Recruit and appoint (subject to Board ratification) committee chairs


  • Assume Position
  • Send beginning of year message to Division members on the listserv (
  • Check to see that website and other media outlets are updated to the new Board composition
  • Send the Board details about the midwinter meeting (location, times, preliminary agenda, etc)
  • Review Division Digest for items of interest for the Division listserv
  • Read and review the Division Trio Listserv
  • Work on the DIvision annual report (in conjunction with the Secretary)
  • Attend GPA meetings on behalf of Division 52
  • Make contact with the OIA and CGP to find out meeting schedules
  • Meet with Convention co-chairs for update on convention program status
  • Convene the Executive Committee


  • Chair the Midwinter Meeting
  • Division ANNUAL REPORT due
  • Prepare Division newsletter column 1 (deadline March 5)
  • Make plans to attend the CGP committee meeting in March
  • Convene the Executive Committee


  • Division Newsletter column due (March 5). Send to
  • Attend CGP meeting
  • Convene Executive Committee


  • Meet with the Executive Committee
  • Attend Psychology Day at the UN


  • Meet with the Executive Committee
  • Announce D52 Elections Winners


  • Meet with the Executive Committee


  • Meet with the Executive Committee
  • Make preparations for APA convention and D52 Board Meeting


  • Chair in person Board Meeting at convention
  • Chair Division Annual Meeting at Convention
  • Give Presidential Address at convention
  • Chair Division social hours at Convention
  • Attend poster sessions at convention and hand out awards
  • Division Newsletter column due (August 15)


  • Meet with the Executive Committee
  • Collaborate with President-Elect on a CODAPAR grant


  • Division Newsletter column #3 due (Oct 15)
  • Convene Executive Committee
  • Convene interim Board meeting (Zoom)


  • In collaboration with Past President: Begin Nominations and Elections Chair activities:
    • Review Board positions that will be vacant for the upcoming year
    • Develop and Diseminate a Call for Nominations to the Division Announce Listserv (Div52@lists,
  • Participate in Orientation meetings for newly elected D52 board members


  • Send reminder on listserv to members to submit nominations for elected positions
  • Division Newsletter column #4 due (Dec 15)
  • Convene Executive Commiteee
  • Prepare Annual Report (due in February)

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