Position Title: Division 52 President
Term of Office: One year as President-Elect (followed by 1 year as President and 1 year as Past President)
Mention of President in the Bylaws:
4.3.3. President
- a. The President shall be the Member who has just completed their term as President-Elect.
- b. The term of office of the President shall be one year.
- c. The duties of the President are as follows:
- To preside at meetings of the Board of Directors Executive Committee, and all other usual duties of a presiding officer;
- To appoint chairs for Division committees as needed;
- To participate as a member of the Nominations and Elections Committee and the Awards Subcommittee for Distinguished Contributions to International Psychology Award
- To fulfill other duties as specified in the Division Handbook.
Tasks of the President
- Serve as member of the Presidential Trio
- Appoint Convention Chairs for their “presidential” year’s convention
- Serve as member of the Awards Subcommittee: Outstanding International Psychologist Award
- Monitor Division Digest and other communications for information of interest to Division members
- (Optional) Develop own presidential initiatives or themes for implementation in presidential year
Fall, Prior to Assuming President-Elect Position
- Join meetings of “Division Trio”
- Assume Position
- Appoint chairs for the next year’s convention
- Read and review the Division Trio Listserv
- Serve (with President and Past President) on Nominations and Elections Committee
- Discuss possible DIAG grants
- Meet with the Executive Committee
- Meet with the Executive Committee
- Make preparations for APA convention and D52 Board Meeting
- Participate in division activities at the APA convention, including the Annual Business Meeting and other related events.
- Assist in organizing and coordinating division activities and programs at the convention, as needed
Apply for CODAPAR grant in collaboration with the President, secretary and treasurer
- Review Board Committee Chairs and find replacements for positions that will be vacant