
Position Title: Division 52 President

Term of Office: One year as President-Elect (followed by 1 year as President and 1 year as Past President)

Mention of President in the Bylaws:

4.3.3.  President

  • a. The President shall be the Member who has just completed their term as President-Elect.
  • b. The term of office of the President shall be one year.
  • c. The duties of the President are as follows:
    • To preside at meetings of the Board of Directors Executive Committee, and all other usual duties of a presiding officer;
    • To appoint chairs for Division committees as needed;
    • To participate as a member of the Nominations and Elections Committee and the Awards Subcommittee for Distinguished Contributions to International Psychology Award
    • To fulfill other duties as specified in the Division Handbook.

Tasks of the President

  1. Serve as member of the Presidential Trio
  2. Appoint Convention Chairs for their “presidential” year’s convention
  3. Serve as member of the Awards Subcommittee: Outstanding International Psychologist Award
  4. Monitor Division Digest and other communications for information of interest to Division members
  5. (Optional) Develop own presidential initiatives or themes for implementation in presidential year



Fall, Prior to Assuming President-Elect Position

  • Join meetings of “Division Trio”


  • Assume Position
  • Appoint chairs for the next year’s convention
  • Read and review the Division Trio Listserv
  • Serve (with President and Past President) on Nominations and Elections Committee


  • Discuss possible DIAG grants


  • Meet with the Executive Committee


  • Meet with the Executive Committee
  • Make preparations for APA convention and D52 Board Meeting


  • Participate in division activities at the APA convention, including the Annual Business Meeting and other related events.
  • Assist in organizing and coordinating division activities and programs at the convention, as needed


  • Apply for CODAPAR grant in collaboration with the President, secretary and treasurer


  • Review Board Committee Chairs and find replacements for positions that will be vacant


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