Position Description and Tasks
Name of Position: Student Representative to the Board
Term of appointment: Elected for a position of 2 years by the Division membership
Tasks of the Position
- Chair Students Committee:
- Recruit and approve student members in the committee
- Convene committee meetings on monthly basis
- Coordinate networking opportunities for students within the division
- Promote student membership on each Division Committee
- Serve as student member on the nominations and elections committee
- Disseminate calls for nominations, information, and opportunities to the Student Listserv (Div52STU@lists.apa.org)
- Organize student activities at the APA convention:
- Coordinate the mentoring program for international students attending the APA convention, promoting orientation meetings and pairing APA and international colleagues.
- Plan student get-togethers during Convention
- Write Student Column for the newsletter.
- Prepare a column to report student activities in the division’s newsletter quarterly (Deadlines Spring issue: March 5th, Summer issue August 15th, Fall issue October 15th, Winter issue December 15th). Send the column to the editor: IPBDiv52@gmail.com
- Contribute to the development of slates for student candidates in coordination with the Nominations and Elections chair
- Convene Student Committee
- Prepare report on student activities and student issues for Midwinter Board meeting
- Find out if there is a mentoring program for international students at convention (in the past this has been coordinated with other Divisions.
- Find out if there is a Division 52 poster contest. If so, find out about student volunteer opportunities
- Develop ideas for student activities at convention
- Prepare report on student activities and inititives for the August Convention Board meeting
- (in year when term ends) Coordinate with the President to SEND OUT requests for nominations for Student representative to the baord. Spread the word via the Div52STU@lists.apa.org, social media and other outlets
Examples of Materials
- Call for new Student Committee members
- Correspondence with the Vice President for Engagement.
- Reports designed for the Division newsletter.
- Annual Student slate crafted for elections.
- Communication plan delineating strategies for division-wide student engagement.
- Resources related to the professional development of the student members with an emphasis on global perspectives.
- Guidelines for student leadership and engagement within APA
- Communication templates for division student communications
- Orientation meeting agendas for the mentoring program
- Past reports presented at Division 52 Board of Directors meetings
- Templates for detailed reports for Division 52 Board of Directors meetings
- Past issues of the Division newsletter for reference
Important Materials/Connections
- Explore opportunities with APAGs: https://www.apa.org/apags/governance
- Access the Educators and Students Resource Center: https://www.apa.org/pubs/educators-students
- Discover further resources tailored for students: https://www.apa.org/about/students
- Explore grants, awards, and funding opportunities: https://www.apa.org/about/awards
- Investigate graduate Psi Chi awards and grants: https://www.psichi.org/page/awards#graduate
- Explore undergraduate Psi Chi awards and grants: https://www.psichi.org/page/awards#undergraduate
- Access Psi Chi’s research resources: https://www.psichi.org/page/research#resources
- Join Psi Chi’s Network for International Collaborative Exchange (NICE): https://www.psichi.org/page/research#collaborate
- APA Bias Free language: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/bias-free-language