Position Description and Tasks
Name of Position: Secretary
Term of appointment: The Secretary is elected for a term of three (3) years; this is renewable upon reelection
Tasks of the Position
- Maintains a comprehensive, accurate and accessible record of Division proceedings, rosters, records, timelines, and materials (as related to the Secretary’s role). Ensures appropriate processes of documentation, review, and approval by sending information to the Board. All materials are maintained in Division 52 Dropbox.
- This incudes:
- Minutes of Board Meetings
- Minutes of Executive Committee Meetings
- Minutes of the Business Meeting
- Roster of Division elected officials, chairs and other officials
- This incudes:
- Maintains coordination between the Division and the Central Office of APA as related to the Secretary’s role
- Announces board meetings and the annual business meetings in a timely fashion based on communications from board members. As necessary, compiles information from board reports and prior agendas in which certain items require further follow-up. Coordinates with the President and Extended Board to put together the final agenda for each meeting
- Issues a call for items and coordinates production of Board and Member meeting agendas and agenda booksthrough email (Bylaws, 2021, p. 7; Handbook, 2020, p. 31)
- Board Book (materials) for Midwinter and August board meetings
- Meeting agenda for other Board meetings
- Maintains the Board of Directors Listserv and the Extended Board of Directors Listserv
- Adds and deletes members of these listservs.
- Creates a Zoom meeting link for Board meetings using Division ZOOM account) or other account.
- Writes meeting minutes, including motions made, who proposed and seconded a motion, discussion of the motion, vote outcome, and Board decisions with each vote labeled with year, month, day, vote # in that meeting. Sends draft minutes to President for review. Sends draft meeting minutes to the Board as soon as possible and uploads these in Dropbox after approval (Handbook, 2020, p. 16-17)
- Initiates an electronic vote by email when requested by the President (Handbook, 2020, p. 17)
- Manages Division Rosters (including updating past and present members on boards and committees, and providing this information to the webmaster)
- Maintains a Division Timeline with information provided by the Extended Board
- Welcome new elected and appointed board members.
- Confirm Board Members contact information
- Connect new board members with relevant Vice President
- Assist Presidential Trio in arranging orientation meeting (Handbook, 2020, p. 34)
- Send out a call for all board and committee reports for the Midwinter Board Meeting
- Gather material for Midwinter Board Meeting (e.g. past minutes, documents)
- Complete Board book for Midwinter Meeting
- Confirm attendance at Midwinter Meeting
- Finalize agenda for Midwinter Meeting
- Attend Midwinter meeting
- Take Minutes at Midwinter Meeting
- Write draft Midwinter Meeting minutes. Send to President for review
- Disseminate Midwinter Meeting minutes and list of action items to Board on listserv
- Order medals, awards, gavel, and fellow certificates for the APA Convention for those receiving an award in-person
- Order through-Martin Awards (service@martinawards.com; MartinAwards.com; PH# (478)289-7779; FX# (478)289-7455) (See Awards-2019/Awards for Convention in Drop Box folder: https://www.dropbox.com/home/APA%20Division%2052%20EC/Awards/2019-Awards
- Send out a call for all board and committee reports for the APA Convention Board Meeting
- Compile Board book for the APA Board Meeting at Convention
- Attend Board Meeting
- Take Board Meeting minutes
- Take Business Meeting minutes
- Send draft Board Meeting minutes to President for review
- Send reviewed minutes to Board for approval
- Store approved minutes in D52 Dropbox