APA Divison 52 Global Citizen Psychologist Citation

Global Citizen Psychologists are ambassadors for psychological science in their communities, bringing their professional knowledge, experience and expertise to benefit those around them by volunteering in their community at the local, national or international level.  Deadlines: Nominations accepted for rolling review periods: Next deadline is April 1, 2025.

Outstanding International Psychologist Award

The Outstanding International Psychologist Awards recognize outstanding contributions to international psychology through significant research, teaching, advocacy, and/or contributions to international organizations. An award is given to a psychologist from the United States and to a psychologist from outside the United States. Deadline April 1, 2025.

Outstanding Early Career Psychologist Award

The ECP Awards are granted to early career psychologists of Division 52 who have made significant contributions to the field of International Psychology. One award is given to a psychologist from the United States, and one is given to a psychologist from outside of the United States. Deadline April 1, 2025.

Anastasi Graduate Student Research Award

This award, named for Anne Anastasi, is for outstanding graduate student research, with priority given to research that focuses on psychometrics and differential psychology. The award is funded by a donation to Division 52 from the Anne Anastasi Foundation. Deadline April 1, 2025.

Denmark/Reuder Award for Outstanding International Contributions to the Psychology of Women and Gender

The Florence L. Denmark and Mary E. Reuder Award for Outstanding International Contributions to the Psychology of Women and Gender award recognizes outstanding psychologists who have made international contributions to further the understanding of women and/or gender. Deadline April 1, 2025.

Henry David International Mentoring Award

The Henry David International Mentoring Award is presented annually to a member or affiliate of Division 52 who plays an exceptional mentoring role in an international context.
Deadline April 1, 2025.

Jean Lau Chin Awards for Outstanding Psychologist and Graduate Student in International Leadership Contributions

The Jean Lau Chin Award for Outstanding Psychologist and Graduate Student in International Leadership Contributions recognizes exceptional psychologists and graduate students who have made international leadership contributions in their field of expertise. They have served as role models and/or mentors to other psychologists and students interested in international issues. Deadline April 1, 2025. 

The Neal S. Rubin/Roseanne L. Flores Student Research Awards in Psychology and Human Rights

Division 52, International Psychology, offers The Rubin/Flores Student Research Awards which seek to inspire students to explore and to think critically about the intersection of psychology and human rights.  The awards recognize the contributions of undergraduate and graduate students in psychology throughout the world to advance human rights globally. This award has been established to encourage students to integrate human rights into the science, application and intervention models in our field. Deadline April 1, 2025.

Student International Research Award

Division 52, International Psychology, offers the International Research Award to encourage and recognize promising undergraduate and graduate student research in international psychology. Deadline April 1, 2025.

Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award

The Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award is presented to the author(s)/editor(s) of a recent book that contributes to psychology as an international discipline and profession and that adds to our understanding of global phenomena and problems from a psychological point of view.
Deadline January 15, 2026 for books published in 2025.

APA Awards